Runxuan  Yang    杨   润   萱



I created a series of posters for a physical play ‘Ripples in Me’. The hearing artist Raffia Li and the Deaf art group Shape of Language complete this narrative collaboratively through workshops, improvisations and discussions. After following their rehearsals for a month, I was most impressed by their way of approaching sounds through visuals and vibrations: the rope movement transfers into soundwaves. Their bodies are constantly in a state of exploring and experiencing. I overlay the image of rope on top of the image of the body in three compositions with screen-printing. Also, I invited the audience to move the printed films with an overhead-projector to create their own image. As the shadows of their hands forms new compositions over the visualised soundwaves, the exploration carries on.

我—声音 是为入围乌镇戏剧节的肢体剧《近处的波纹响了》制作的系列海报。这部剧由听人艺术家和聋人艺术小组合作通过工作坊、舞动即兴和讨论完成。我曾跟随了一个月的排练,对其中视觉和触觉表现声音的片段印象深刻:绳子抖动形成声波,而身体总是处于一种探索和感受的状态。我采用丝网印刷将肢体和绳子的影像叠加制作成三张海报。在展示时运用幻灯机,邀请观众自己动手布置幻灯片,手影与绳子图像形成新的独特影像,继续着身体和声音之间流动的关系。